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Customer Group Notification
Extension approved by Magento Marketplace

Customer Group Notification

This extension for Magento 2 sends the admin a notification email whenever a customer gets a different customer group, which is changed from the admin panel by an admin user.


  • Admin can stay updated whenever a customer group is changed against any customer
  • Multiple email addresses of admin users can be managed as well
  • Add comma separated email addresses of all admins to send an email about the change in customer group
    Stores > Configuration > Customer > Customer Configuration > Create New Account Options > Admin Email Notification
  • The email template can be changed as well
    Stores > Configuration > Customer Configuration > Create New Account Options > Customer Group Change Email Template  (Default Config)
  • The content of the email template can be changed as well
    Marketing > Email Templates > Customer Change Group





Consider a scenario where a business has defined some rules on the basis of customer groups. For example, a customer with a general customer group won't be able to see the prices of the Product Detail Page. The admin needs to be updated via email whenever the customer group of any customer is changed from any customer group to any other group.

This extension for Magento 2 is required for notification purposes whenever a customer gets a different customer group, which is changed from the admin panel by an admin user. Customer Group Notification Extension for Magento 2 allows admin users to be notified whenever an event is triggered regarding customer group change. For example, a business wants to send an email to its managers or admin users and update them regarding the change of customer group. This extension of Magento 2 keeps admins up-to-date regarding customer group changes so that they will get to know the latest variation via email. Many businesses have special campaigns for particular customer groups, for example, whenever a customer group of retailers would be set against any customer, the customer service team will send a marketing brochure or special coupon codes to the retailer, using Customer Group Notification Extension for Magento 2 the admin will be notified that the customer group has been changed and then at the same time, the customer service team can send that customer the required details.



  • Admin can stay updated whenever a customer group is changed against any customer
  • Multiple email addresses of admin users can be managed as well
  • Add comma separated email addresses of all admins to send an email about the change of customer group
    Stores > Configuration > Customer > Customer Configuration > Create New Account Options > Admin Email Notification
  • The email template can be changed as well
    Stores > Configuration > Customer Configuration > Create New Account Options > Customer Group Change Email Template  (Default Config)
  • The content of the email template can be changed as well
    Marketing > Email Templates > Customer Change Group



For any pre or post-deployment support, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].

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